Aspire Better - Family Health, Urgent Care, and Concierge Medicine in Harrisburg PA


Dear Aspire Family Medicine Patients,

We are excited to announce that starting February 17, 2025, all Aspire Family Medicine patients will be seen at a new address:

4800 Linglestown Road, Suite 104, Harrisburg, PA

For any questions, feel free to contact us at 717-657-8000.

We look forward to continuing to serve you at our new facility!

Best regards,
Aspire Family Medicine Team

4800 Linglestown Road, Harrisburg, PA 17112

Although personalized health for the whole you is already our promise to patients, Dr. Rayner is taking the Aspire philosophy to the next level with AspirePRIME. Through AspirePRIME, we will offer highly personalized primary care focusing on wellness and prevention. We are partnering with MDVIP, a national leader in concierge medicine to help us fulfill this new opportunity.

AspirePRIME Concierge Medicine is open the following hours. However, your health is not limited to the above office hours. Our promise to you is that you will be seen within 24 hours of calling us.

Monday: 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM
Tuesday: 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Wednesday: 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM
Thursday: 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Friday: 8:00 AM – Noon

49 Prince Street, Harrisburg, PA 17109

Aspire Family Medicine treats you, not just your symptoms. We take the time to get to know you and find what’s best for you. It’s what medicine once was and, for us, still is — knowing the whole patient and caring for their individual needs. For nearly a decade, our community has trusted us with our approach to helping everyone aspire to be better. Your health is where it all begins.

Hours of Operation: Monday – Thursday 8am – 8pm, Friday 8am – 4pm

When you need urgent care that’s not life-threatening, you don’t have to wait in the ER. From illness to minor trauma, we have you covered seven days a week. No appointment necessary and a board certified doctor is available at all times.

Hours of Operation: Monday – Friday 8am – 8pm, Saturday & Sunday 10am – 6pm
No appointment necessary. New patients and walk-ins are welcome!

Just like a broken bone needs treatment, so does stress of the mind and spirit. Too often patients forget that all facets of the body, mental and physical are intertwined. In keeping with our philosophy of treating the whole patient, AspireCARE offers counseling services to manage stress, navigate challenges, and maximize a positive outlook on life.

We have appointments during the day and evening hours. Please call our office at 717.901.3440 for an appointment.

Our purpose is to inspire you, our patients and community members, to do more in regards to your health, teach you how to attain these aspirations and, ultimately, transform into a healthier you.

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Lyme Disease Study:

We are enrolling participants with diagnosed Lyme disease into a study that is collecting blood samples for early-stage research. Participation involves signing informed consent, answering some medical and demographic questions, and completing two blood draws. We will collect one tube of blood the day of enrollment, and one tube approximately 15 days later. Participants will receive a $75 prepaid debit card after both study visits, $150 total.

Participants must have a bullseye rash from a tick bite to be eligible for participation. If you think you have Lyme disease and are coming into the clinic to see a provider, please let our research staff know by contacting Stephanie at
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