Should I or Shouldn't I? - Aspire Better - Family Health, Urgent Care, and Concierge Medicine in Harrisburg PA

Should I or Shouldn’t I?

When we are faced with a decision, we often hear the suggestion to make a list of “pros and cons.”  Not a bad idea – but it isn’t always that simple, is it?  The decision isn’t always black and white. There are pros and cons on each side of every decision.

Instead, consider making a list of positives and negatives of activating on the decision, or not. Here’s a tool you can use to help get your thoughts in order:

For example, even something that has so many bad parts to it such as smoking can be approached with the above tool – although you may need two pages! In the tool, a long term smoker will experience the loss of their perceived friend of so many years.  Nicotine has provided the “benefit” of helping the person deal with anxiety, stress or social phobias.  Of course in this illustration the right decision is to quit, but considering the loss is a great way to begin to plan for alternative behaviors.   Acknowledging the apparent benefits of even a negative habit allows us to face it more directly, and forge ahead towards something better with an understanding of what you may face on that path.

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